HomeFITNESSMelrose Residents Want Timeline for Toxic Site Cleanup, Seek Federal Intervention

Melrose Residents Want Timeline for Toxic Site Cleanup, Seek Federal Intervention

Melrose residents are hopeful that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s involvement can push the state Department of Conservation to establish a clear timeline for superfund remediation, and enforce communication with the community.

Adi Talwar

Angel Garcia at the Rainbow Garden of Life and Health on Melrose Avenue in the South Bronx. He and other neighbors have been pushing the state to clean up the lot next door to the garden, a designated brownfield site.

When Angel Garcia and his neighbors at the Rainbow Garden of Life and Health were looking to expand their community garden, they discovered a major problem: the vacant lot next door had elevated levels of toxic chemicals that had spread along six blocks on Melrose Avenue, an issue New York State has been studying since 1997, largely unknown to Melrose residents.

Now, he and fellow Melrose residents are putting pressure on the New York State Department of Conservation (DEC) to begin remediation of the site, which neighbors say is the latest in a years-long battle to establish a clear cleanup timeline and to get regular updates from the state agency.

On Nov. 19, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regional Director Lisa Garcia visited the site of the contamination and toured the areas affected with members of the Melrose Environmental Awareness Committee (MEAC), a group of local residents.

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